Home Competitions Competition: Win Star Trek Goodies!

Competition: Win Star Trek Goodies!

by Dave Elliott
Win Star Trek Goodies!

Win Star Trek Goodies!

Whilst your waiting for the interview with George Takei to get uploaded, we’ve got ANOTHER competition for you!

This time we’re giving away 5 x Star Trek finger bottle openers and 5 x Star Trek  bottle coolers (great for keeping your Romulan Ale cool!)

These Star Trek episodes and movies are now available on DVD and Blu-ray:

Click the links for more info!

All you need to do is answer this question:

Q: In the Star Trek Episode ‘Mirror Mirror’ what physical feature distinguishes evil Spock from good Spock?

Competition is now closed. The answer was of course, a goatee.

The Rules

The competition closes on 30th April 2009 and is open to UK residents aged 18 or over. There will be 5 winners. Each winner will receive 1 opener and 1 cooler. By entering this competition, you are agreeing to the rules of this full rules which can be read here.

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