Home TV News Jenna-Louise Coleman Joins Doctor Who (plus other Who news!)

Jenna-Louise Coleman Joins Doctor Who (plus other Who news!)

by Dave Elliott
Jenna-Louise Coleman

Jenna-Louise Coleman

The cat had slightly got out of the bag earlier today, but it’s now official…

Jenna-Louise Coleman will be accompanying Matt Smith as Doctor Who’s new companion.

Steven Moffat has said

“We saw a lot of brilliant actresses. But Jenna was the only person going faster than Matt – he had to keep up!”… “Who she’s playing, how the Doctor meets her, and even where he finds her, are all part of one of the biggest mysteries the Time Lord ever encounters. Even by the Doctor’s standards, this isn’t your usual boy meets girl.”…

Humm… Steven, you tease! I predict this new relationship could be quite manic, and very interesting! :)

Who’s Jenna-Louise Coleman?

Well she best know as Lindsay James in BBC’s Waterloo Road, and Jasmine Thomas in Emmerdale. She’s also recently appeared on the big screen in Captain America: The First Avenger as Connie, and is about to star in ITV’s four part mini-series, Titanic.

Doctor Who Air Date News

They have also confirmed Doctor Who is only going to be 6 episodes aired in 2012 (that includes the Christmas special), with the remaining 8 episodes airing in 2013. Given the way they’ve broken up the run it’s not unsurprising to learn (slight spoiler coming) Amy & Rory’s last episode will be episode 5, with the Christmas special being Jenna’s introduction.

So what do you think? Good choice? Bad Choice? Leave us a comment!

Doctor Who is due to air Autumn 2012.

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