Home Gadgets The 3 Top Android Gaming Devices

The 3 Top Android Gaming Devices

by Dave Elliott

With the release of the latest Android 5.0 Lollipop operating system, users have been able to benefit from a wide array of features. One of the most prominent options is the reinvented and more powerful version of Android Beam, which creates a seamless process for sharing large files and applications between devices. This also has connotation for Android gaming, as it is easier for a community of players to share titles and experiences in real-time. Given that Android is already considered as a power house of gaming, this will only enhance such a reputation further.

With this in mind, let’s consider three of the leading Android devices on the current market as we head towards Christmas.

iBen L1


iBen L1

iBen L1

Although it has been a little overlooked in recent times, the iBen L1was actually the first quad core, Android gaming handheld on the consumer market. It earned rave reviews across a host to technology sites, while it was also credited with being well-built, easy to use and equipped with seamless game playing qualities. It was also fitted with large and high quality display, which present outstanding graphics whether you are playing free online roulette or interactive sporting and combat games. While the platform may have been overshadowed by recent releases, it still offers good value as an entry level product.




From the old to the new, the GPD G5A is one of the most recent products to have entered the Android gaming market. In essence, it includes many of the features that distinguished previous products while also boasting a unique ergonomic design and exceptionally quick processing speeds. This is thanks primarily to the presence of a RK3188T processor and an excellent 480p resolution, while it also has easy to navigate analogue sticks and an extremely responsive D-Pad. In terms of sheer technology and specification, it is arguably the highest quality product on the market.

The Nvidia Shield Tablet

Without any shadow of a doubt, the recently released Nvidia Shield Tablet is the single greatest Android handheld available on the market. This is especially true with regards to gaming, as its incredible processing power and advanced graphics engine are simply far greater than any competing product. It also offers an outstanding PC streaming function, so games can be shared and accessed from the hard drive of your personal computer in real-time. This is an extremely innovative and attractive benefit, even when you consider the inflated price tag of the device when compared to similar option.

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