Home TV News Review: Looking Season 1

Review: Looking Season 1

by Chris Brown

Looking Season 1

Looking Season 1

Over the year’s there have been plenty of attempts at TV series’ looking into the life of the homosexual, many of which have followed a group of stereotypical camp, sex-crazed friends as they battle to find themselves through drink, drugs and debauchery.

At long last though a series has risen from the ashes offering a refreshing look at a group of friends who just happen to be gay.

HBO’s ‘Looking’ has had audiences hooked in the US and it’s about to do the same in the UK as it’s released on DVD and Blu Ray.

‘Looking’ focuses on an unlikely group of friends; Patrick the gaming geek (Jonathan Groff), Agustin the failed artist (Frankie Alvarez) and Dom the older, more mature friend (Murray Bartlett). Throw in Doris the token SBF (straight best friend), Richie, the love interest (Raul Castillo) and of course Kevin the boss (Russell Tovey) and you have something rather special.

Patrick takes on the role of lead protagonist as that friend that we all have that hasn’t had a serious relationship. After meeting Richie on the train (because where else do you get chatted up?) Patrick finds himself falling for Richie but making mistake after mistake in that adorable way that your friend-who-is-more-like-a-brother does. Having finally found something special in, enter Kevin, the equally as geeky boss who, as if by fate, turns out to be gay too. I won’t spoil what happens next but you can probably guess.

From the word go you immediately fall in love with the characters. Despite all being at different phases in the lives and having completely different personalities, it’s this unlikely friendship that keeps you coming back for more.

As the series develops there are no massive cliff-hangers or big shocks (well not ones that you didn’t see coming) and it’s quite often a little predictable.

Despite this, the show keeps you hooked and you find yourself switching your favourite character from episode to episode.

The setting of San Francisco offers something a little less grimy and less Sex In The City. Of course the show features sex and drugs, but what show doesn’t now? Theses vices are linked to the stories but don’t make it awkward to watch, but in fact offer a few laughs.

With plenty of heart, Looking is a real feel-good show, making you wish that your friends were like that (no offence guys).

Season 2 is due in the UK in Feb, Looking Season 1 is now available on DVD and Blu-ray.

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