Home Movie News Lots of pics & a video from Star Wars: The Force Awakens!

Lots of pics & a video from Star Wars: The Force Awakens!

by Dave Elliott

Thanks to the wonderful photographer Annie Leibovitz, and the folk over at Vanity Fair, we’ve now have an amazing new set of behind-the-scenes photos and video from the new Star Wars film – Star Wars: The Force Awakens!

First up is a decent look at Captain Phasma, as played by Game of Thrones star Gwendoline Christie (aka Brienne of Tarth). The new character is probably a villain in the new film as she’s part of the ‘First Order’ which are the new bad guys. Plus, no matter how shiny you make it, that’s still a Stormtrooper outfit, and as a general rule, they aren’t usually all that good.

Photograph by Annie Leibovitz.

Gwendoline Christie/Captain Phasma – Photograph by Annie Leibovitz

Next is The hot-shot rebel X-wing pilot Poe Dameron as played by Oscar Isaac. Described as “the best fricken pilot in the galaxy…” I’m sure a certain Mr. Solo may take umbrage with that remark… ;)

Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) - Photograph by Annie Leibovitz.

Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) – Photograph by Annie Leibovitz

This one show’s the guys at ILM employing some of the same face capturing techniques that were used on Avatar to track the facial movements of 50 Years A Slave’s Lupita Nyong’o, as her performance is captured to bring life to the pirate Maz Kanata.

Lupita Nyong'o Motion Capture

Lupita Nyong’o Motion Capture – Photograph by Annie Leibovitz

Here we have a rather nifty group shot showing some of the various ne’er-do-wells and dodgy characters hanging around Maz Kanata’s castle (because this is Star Wars, and if you’re a space pirate, of course you have a castle!)…

Maz Kanata Castle

Maz Kanata Castle – Photograph by Annie Leibovitz

First shot of Adam Driver without the mask as Kylo Ren (booo hisss), the new bad guy. Also a good look at the new smoother Snow Trooper outfits which are looking rather nifty.

Adam Driver as Kylo Ren - Photograph by Annie Leibovitz

Adam Driver as Kylo Ren – Photograph by Annie Leibovitz

Here we have JJ giving direction to Daisy Ridley as Rey flies her rather awesome and monstrous looking speeder through the a marketplace on Jakku.

Daisy Ridley

Daisy Ridley as Rey – Photograph by Annie Leibovitz

Ahh, the people that make it happen. The legend that is John Williams, Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy, co-writer Lawrence Kasdan, and of course the director & co-writer JJ Abrams. Notice the rather cool posters on the wall behind them at their LA office.

The Force Awakens Team

The Force Awakens Team – Photograph by Annie Leibovitz

And the last photo – The cover shot for Vanity Fair – Han, Chewie, Rey, Finn and BB-8.

Han, Chewie, Rey, Finn and BB-8.

Han, Chewie, Rey, Finn and BB-8 – Photograph by Annie Leibovitz

If all that wasn’t enough… How about a video!

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