Home Misc A world without technology: The Geek-Apocalypse

A world without technology: The Geek-Apocalypse

by Dave Elliott
The Geek-Apocalypse

The Geek-Apocalypse

We are now living in a world where we rely heavily on technology; it really is the centre of everything we do! Our digital world is operated and inspired by ‘geeks’, from the Box Office hits to the latest technology. But what would happen if all of the technology we are so used to just disappeared? How would it impact our lives?

CompareTheMarket have created an infographic, which details what the world would look like without the technology geeks making our lives more exciting and more efficient.

Different industries and aspects of our lives would be negatively affected:

  • Communications – communication would become slower and more expensive. This breakdown in communication would cause problems across businesses, domestic living and infrastructure, just to name a few! Mobile phone and messaging services would vanish without anyone to maintain the structure!
  • Retail and Commerce – online sales account for 13% of the total UK economy, so without technology the economy would suffer massively.
    Restocking items would be much harder and longer, causing product shortages and delays.
  • Transport and Travel – public transport, planes and trains are heavily dependant on specialist software. Import and export would suffer tremendously; food, fuel and textile delivery would grind to a halt.
  • Business and Economy – in 2013, the estimated value of total UK e-commerce was £557 billion. Businesses wouldn’t be able to communicate with their audiences, or even create their products and provide their services. Online retailers would immediately become obsolete.

The Geek-Apocalypse
Provided by Compare The Market

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