The drama is created for television by Oscar nominee Ron Nyswaner (Philadelphia, HOMELAND) and stars Matt Bomer (The Normal Heart, The Boys in the Band), Jonathan Bailey (Bridgerton), Jelani Alladin (The Walking Dead World Beyond), Allison Williams (Get Out, Girls) and Noah J. Ricketts (American Gods). Bomer and Nyswaner executive produce with Robbie Rogers (All American, My Policeman) and Dee Johnson.
Created by Nyswaner and based on the novel by Thomas Mallon, FELLOW TRAVELERS is an epic love story and political thriller, chronicling the clandestine romance of two very different men who meet in McCarthy-era Washington. Bomer plays charismatic Hawkins Fuller, who maintains a financially rewarding, behind-the-scenes career in politics. Hawkins avoids emotional entanglements – until he meets Tim Laughlin (Bailey), a young man brimming with idealism and religious faith. They begin a romance just as Joseph McCarthy and Roy Cohn declare war on “subversives and sexual deviants,” initiating one of the darkest periods in 20th-century American history. Over the course of four decades, we follow our five main characters – Hawk, Tim, Marcus (Alladin), Lucy (Williams), and Frankie (Ricketts) – as they cross paths through the Vietnam War protests of the 1960s, the drug-fueled disco hedonism of the 1970s and the AIDS crisis of the 1980s, while facing obstacles in the world and in themselves.
Fellow Travelers UK TV Premiere Date
Latest/Next UK Season: Limited
Latest/Next UK TV Air Date: 28 October 2023
UK Channel: Paramount+
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Fellow Travelers US TV Premiere Date
Latest/Next US Season: Limited
Latest/Next US TV Air Date: October 27, 2023
US Channel: Paramount+
Previous US Premiere Dates
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Additional Information:
Country of Origin: USA
Based on the novel by Thomas Mallon, the series is an epic love story and political thriller, chronicling the clandestine romance of two very different men who meet in McCarthy-era Washington.