Placed undercover at a boarding school known as The Institute, a group of orphans must foil a nefarious plot with global ramifications while creating a new sort of family along the way. Based on the bestseller by Trenton Lee Stewart which Time Magazine called “one of the best young adult books of all time,” The Mysterious Benedict Society” stars Emmy® Award winner Tony Hale in the titular role and features a standout ensemble of young actors.
‘The Mysterious Benedict Society’ stars Tony Hale, Kristen Schaal, Ryan Hurst, MaameYaa Boafo, Gia Sandhu, Seth Carr, Emmy DeOliveira, Mystic Inscho and Marta Kessler. The series is executive produced by Sonar Entertainment, 20th Television, Jamie Tarses, Karen Kehela Sherwood, Deepak Nayar, James Bobin, Matt Manfredi (writer/creator) and Phil Hay (writer/creator). Showrunners for the series are Darren Swimmer and Todd Slavkin.
Mysterious Benedict Society UK TV Premiere Date
Latest/Next UK Season: 2
Latest/Next UK TV Air Date: 26 October 2022
UK Channel: Disney+
Previous UK Premiere Dates
Season 1 – Disney+ – 25 June 2021
Mysterious Benedict Society US TV Premiere Date
Latest/Next US Season: 2
Latest/Next US TV Air Date: October 26, 2022
US Channel: Disney+
Previous US Premiere Dates
Season 1 – Disney+ – June 25, 2021
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Additional Information:
Country of Origin: USA
Placed undercover at a boarding school known as The Institute, a group of orphans must foil a nefarious plot with global ramifications while creating a new sort of family along the way.