Home Movie News The Best Football Movies

The Best Football Movies

by Jason Smith

The Best Football Movies

If you have witnessed an international football match between some of the world’s greatest teams in-person or online, you will understand why it is the planet’s most widely consumed spectator sport. In the past century, the ongoing popularity of football has led to it becoming the central topic or storyline of a growing number of box-office bonanzas, biopics, and big screen smash-hits. It can, however, be difficult to distinguish the good from the bad. If you are looking for your next favourite football movie, continue reading to familiarise yourself with a comprehensive list of the most popular titles since the inauguration of modern cinema.

Two for the Money

With a growing number of football fans making the move from a brick-and-mortar casino to a top-rated online casino or platform in recent years, the film industry has also taken note. This movement led to the release of the star-studded Two for the Money in 2005 at the height of the online gaming boom of the mid 2000s. The film centres on the main character of Brandon Lang, a former celebrated college football player played by Matthew McConaughey, as he sustains a career-ending injury and accepts a job handicapping football games. His latest career choice, however, takes on a turbulent turn as he starts predicting the outcomes to upcoming games and suffers the consequences as a result. It received mixed reviews upon release but has since grown in popularity due to the ongoing popularity of sports betting on a global scale.


If you are a die-hard football fanatic or have only just gotten involved with the sport, you have more than likely heard the name Maradona at one point or another. It is the surname of one of the sport’s most prolific players as well as the title of the Argentinian ace’s 2019 biopic that details his personal and professional life on and off the pitch. It includes images of key milestones throughout his life and was reportedly constructed from over 500 hours of never-before-seen footage from the footballer’s personal archives. If you are looking for a candidly genuine portrayal of one of the world’s most celebrated sporting stars, Maradona is definitely worth a watch.

The Damned United

If you have heard of the legendary English manager, Brian Clough, you may have also heard of the 2009 biopic The Damned United. It is loosely based on his controversial 44-day reign at the helm of Leeds United and is widely regarded as one of the sport’s greatest cinematic biographies to date. If you are on the hunt for a movie that is educational, mesmerising, and shocking, The Damned United should provide you with everything you are looking for and more. If you are unfamiliar with the state of English football in the 1970s or even the basics of the sport of football itself, it is still worth a watch.

Fever Pitch

When it comes to football movies, no list is complete without Fever Pitch. It may be commonly stylised as a romantic comedy, but it follows a die-hard Arsenal fan named Paul Ashworth, played by Colin Firth, whose life revolves around the love he has for his club. It is based on Nick Hornby’s book of the same name and outlines the struggle of attempting to balance a job as a teacher with a newly blossoming obsession with a club that has the potential to paralyse him when it comes to matches against rival clubs.

If you are looking for a great football movie to entertain, educate, and amuse, there are plenty to choose from. This includes Maradona, Two for the Money, The Damned United, and Fever Pitch.

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