The animated comedy sees Marvin Flute (Jon Hamm) as a brilliant detective with opinions as eccentric as his taste, who can’t help but prioritize his own personal problems – whether it be his family or petty differences among his co-workers – over the crimes he’s tasked with solving. Now that he’s back in Grimsburg, a town where everyone has a secret or three, Flute will follow every lead he’s got to redeem himself with the ex-wife he never stopped loving, even if it means hanging out with the son he never bothered to get to know. Grimsburg is owned by FOX Entertainment, and produced by Bento Box Entertainment. Catlan McClelland and Matthew Schlissel created the series and serve as co-Executive Producers. Gail Berman, Hend Baghdady, Chadd Gindin, Connie Tavel and Jon Hamm serve as Executive Producers. Chadd Gindin serves as Showrunner.
Grimsburg UK TV Premiere Date
Latest/Next UK Season: 1
Latest/Next UK TV Air Date: No exact date/time - Unknown Unknown
UK Channel: No UK Broadcaster
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Grimsburg US TV Premiere Date
Latest/Next US Season: 1
Latest/Next US TV Air Date: January 07, 2024
US Channel: Fox
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Country of Origin: USA
An animated detective comedy starring Jon Hamm.