The BBC has ordered ‘The Way‘, a bold new drama written by James Graham (‘Sherwood’, ‘Quiz’), directed by Michael Sheen (‘Good Omens’, ‘Staged’), and co-created by Sheen, Graham and Adam Curtis (‘The Power Of Nightmares’, ‘HyperNormalisation’).
The ambitious, powerful and surprising three-episode drama taps into the social and political chaos of today’s world by imagining a civil uprising which begins in a small industrial town.
Meet the Driscolls – an ordinary family, in an extraordinary story of life, death and survival. Caught in a chain of events and power struggles that ripple out unleashing civil unrest, they are forced to escape the country they’ve always called home and the certainties of their old lives.
Will they be overwhelmed by their memories of the past, or will the Driscolls lay their ghosts to rest and take the risk of an unknown future?
‘The Way’ is an emotional and darkly humorous story about what it means to be faced with impossible choices.
“I’m such an admirer of Adam and James’ work, so to create this project with them in these extraordinary times has been thrilling,” said Sheen. “I’m so excited to be telling this global story through the prism of my hometown and its community as we dig into the rollercoaster ride of our recent past and the mysterious depths that lay beneath.”
The series is Wales-based company Red Seam’s first production, made in association with Little Door Productions, and will film in and around Port Talbot later this year. It is developed and executive produced by Bethan Jones (‘War & Peace’, ‘Les Miserables’).
“The development of The Way has been a unique process – from the original idea and concept presented by Michael to the challenges of exploring the authenticity of the story with Adam, and the joy of seeing it all brought together by James through brilliant characters and storytelling,” adds Bethan Jones, executive producer for Red Seam. “It’s been a passion project for us all for some time and it’s very exciting to finally be making it with our brilliant production team and Little Door Productions’ invaluable support.”
The drama is made by Red Seam for the BBC in association with Little Door Productions. It is written by James Graham, directed by Michael Sheen in his directorial debut for television, and is produced by Derek Ritchie (‘The Capture’, ‘Luther’). Adam Curtis, James Graham and Michael Sheen join Bethan Jones as executive producers for Red Seam, with Rebecca Ferguson for the BBC. International distribution is by ITV Studios and additional funding support has been provided by the Welsh Government via Creative Wales.
“Working with Michael Sheen and Adam Curtis on building this story has been one of those “pinch-me” moments in the life of a writer,” commented Graham. “To tell a story set in Michael’s home community, and tapping into all the political and social themes of the moment – strikes, division, chaos and a loss of control – all while infusing it, we hope, with humour, magic and imagination has been the most creatively satisfying experience.”
‘The Way‘ does not have a premiere date yet, but if you want to keep track of this or any other show, you can add them via our Never Miss system, and you’ll be notified when it gets a UK premiere date.