Home Movie News Rating The Best 5 Scenes Of The Movie, 21

Rating The Best 5 Scenes Of The Movie, 21

by Dave Elliott

A movie based on the true story of the MIT blackjack team, and how they used their math skills to beat the casinos at their own game.

Gambling is a solid recurrent theme commonly found in uncountable works of fiction, often due to its popularity. Many people are fascinated by the idea of gambling for how concepts like pride, greed, violence, drama, tragedy and triumph are explored and interwoven into a fascinating piece of narrative fiction that enthrals the minds and hearts of those who are exposed to it.

Poems, songs, games, novels and even religious texts all over the ages have explored gambling at its best and worst. It explores its effect on the human character, what it reveals about us, and how we deal with stress, anxiety, and the thrill of winning and losing it all. Movies are not exempt from exploring gambling in the human character, and it is not hard to see how the act of gambling would be a perfect fit for the seventh art. Through masterful sound composition and camera editing, it is perfectly possible to depict the tension and suspense behind each play, each flush of the cards, and every player stare. Every element that features in moviemaking can be used to explore all aspects of gambling.

Many movies have been made regarding the subject of gambling, some of them becoming heavy-hitting blockbusters and classics in the movie world like Rain Man, Ocean’s Eleven and Casino Royale.

This article intends to explore a hidden gem from 2008 in the gambling movie genre: “21: Black Jack”, and explore some of the key scenes that made this movie a must-go for moviegoers.

“21: Black Jack”

“21:Black Jack”, directed by Robert Luketic and starring Jim Sturgess, Kate Bosworth and Kevin Spacey, is a 2008 film based on Ben Merzrich’s novel “Bringing Down the House”. The film’s plot puts the spotlight on young math MIT prodigy Ben Campbell and his ventures in the world of Las Vegas, where he will use his unparalleled math competence to excel in the world of blackjack card counting.

Saying more would be dwelling into spoiler territory, so we’ll abstain from revealing too much of the plot details of this compelling thriller drama and focus on what makes this movie great. However, in certain scenes, this movie truly encapsulates the thrilling tension behind every play, the fear that all you have worked for might unfold with just the flip of a card or that the last person you want might be onto you. However, it also captures the feeling of success, triumph and fast pace to a T.

The movie’s tone could only have been possible thanks to the excellent acting talent of its cast. Performances by heavyweight actors Jim Sturgess, Kate Bosworth and Kevin Spacey were indeed outstanding and served moviegoers to further immerse themselves into the movie’s plot and overall atmosphere. The movie is regarded by critic Alex Billington as “The Sexiest Card Playing Movie Since Rounders” due to its carefree style and attitude. Overall, it’s an enjoyable card movie with some great moments that encapsulate the rush of triumph, success and tension one only feels when succeeding through the use of one’s talents.

Best scenes in 21: Black Jack 

To better understand and enjoy this movie, we have compiled the best five scenes in the movie 21:Blackjack. We will not focus too much on spoilers

5: I’m talking about becoming very, very rich 

This scene not only introduces Ben to Micky Rosa and how to play blackjack, albeit in a very basic manner. However, it teaches the spectators the basic principles of card counting and poker. The plot’s basic premise can be encapsulated in Rosa’s ultimate statement: becoming very, very rich.

4: Clothing store

Ben’s astonishing mathematical skills are shown at full display in this comical scene that displays to full effect Ben’s incredible mathematical skills at counting. Skills that will prove invaluable to the card counting endeavour and show us Ben’s considerable talents could be better spent in a dead-end job on people far less talented. Ben can do better, and this scene only cements it.

3: People give in to their emotions. You will not

Rosa’s chilling ultimatum to Ben serves as well as a definite warning. This is not a game they are playing. They are following a system, and getting lost behind the glitz of victory is very easy. Giving in to your emotions invites defeat, and this warning stays with the spectator throughout the movie.

2: Card counting montage

Here we see the movie’s entire premise in action for the first time. The scene goes by fast and stops in the cards, and we get a closeup shot of Ben’s eyes, the swift flipping and drawing of cards by the dealers and the audience hearing Ben’s thoughts as cards are dealt serve to display his quick thinking; the rush of victory and the passing of time as the game carries on all night long.

1: Pit boss beating Ben

As the saying goes, “Pride goeth before a fall” and even though we promised no spoilers, it is clear that a movie without risk loses all taste. Unfortunately, Ben is eventually suspected of counting cards and pays the price for it.

Saying less sometimes means more and so we shall stop right here. We now ask you to grab some popcorn, tune in “21” and enjoy a pleasant movie night.

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