Written and created by Paul Doolan (Mammoth, Trollied) and set in Wales, Death Valley follows the unlikely crime-solving partnership between eccentric national treasure John Chapel (Timothy Spall), a retired actor and star of hit fictional detective TV show ‘Caesar’, and disarming Welsh detective sergeant Janie Mallowan (Gwyneth Keyworth).
Thrown together by the murder of John’s neighbour, John and Janie are an odd, yet hilarious duo with opposing instincts. Every week, they get to the bottom of gripping murders, with various stunning Welsh locations providing a backdrop to their investigations.
Death Valley UK TV Premiere Date
Latest/Next UK Season: 1
Latest/Next UK TV Air Date: No exact date/time - Unknown 2025
UK Channel: BBC Two
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Death Valley US TV Premiere Date
Latest/Next US Season: 1
Latest/Next US TV Air Date: No exact date/time - Unknown
US Channel: No US Broadcaster
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Country of Origin: UK
Follows the unlikely crime-solving partnership between eccentric national treasure John Chapel (Timothy Spall), a retired actor and star of hit fictional detective TV show ‘Caesar’, and disarming Welsh detective sergeant Janie Mallowan (Gwyneth Keyworth).