Written by Charlie Higson (Young Bond, The Enemy) Jekyll and Hyde stars Tom Bateman (Da Vinci’s Demons, The Tunnel), Richard E Grant (Doctor Who, Downton Abbey) and Natalie Gumede (Doctor Who, Coronation Street), and is a 10 part action adventure series inspired by The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Set in 1930’s London at a time of Hollywood glamour, aerodynamic cars and monster movies, the drama pays homage to the Stevenson novel, and focuses on the young, attractive, troubled hero, Robert Jekyll, the grandson of the original doctor.
At the heart of the drama is Robert Jekyll’s quest to discover his real identity, his true family history and the nature of his ‘curse’. Jekyll transforms into superhero Hyde in moments of extreme anger, stress and when his or the lives of others are threatened.
Jekyll is a newly qualified doctor living with his foster parents in Ceylon. He knows nothing of his family history or his inherited condition, which his foster father, Dr Vishal Najaran, is controlling with medication. The drama follows his path to discovery, which coincides with the transformative powers of his condition growing stronger and more disruptive. His journey will take him into a dark and unforgiving place, as his alter ego seems capable of anything. At the same time there are shadowy forces trying to find Jekyll and the source of his powers.
Jekyll & Hyde UK TV Premiere Date
Latest/Next UK Season: 1
Latest/Next UK TV Air Date: 25 October 2015 at 6:30 pm (TBC)
UK Channel: ITV
Previous UK Premiere Dates
Series 1- ITV – 25th October 2015 at 6.30pm
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Additional Information:
Country of Origin: UK
Set in 1930’s London, Tom Bateman (Da Vinci’s Demons) plays Robert Jekyll, grandson of Dr Jekyll on a quest to discover his real identity, his true family history and the nature of his ‘curse’. Written by Charlie Higson.