Home Geeky New Star Trek Photos!

New Star Trek Photos!

by Adam Stewart

A whole bunch of new images from JJ Abrams’ Star Trek have emerged onto the interwebs this morning!

New Star Trek Crew

The crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise looking awesome in their shiny new uniforms!

(left to right)
Anton Yelchin as Chekov.
Chris Pine as James T. Kirk.
Simon Pegg as Lt. Montgomery ‘Scotty’ Scott.
Karl Urban as Dr. McCoy.
John Cho as Sulu.
Zoe Saldana as Uhura.

star trek new bridge U.S.S. Enterprise

This is apparently the bridge of the revamped U.S.S. Enterprise! “Abrams was insistent that every piece of equipment on the bridge serve a legitimate purpose — that they all have “functionality.” According to Lindelof, the maps we see in the background near the top of the communications desk were based on the generally accepted layout of the Star Trek universe.” (source)


Zachary Quinto acting a bit more Syler than Spock in this pic!

USS Kelvin Star Trek

This is apparently the USS Kelvin, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to be boldly going for too much longer.

Kirk in Snow

Kirk being very Kirk-like!

“This is right around the midpoint of the movie,” he said. “One of the things that’s at the heart of the Trek universe… is the idea of the away team. The idea that it’s not just about people shooting around in a starship, but they also go down to these planets.” (source)


This is the villian of the show, Nero, played by Eric Bana. They aren’t saying officially, but he’s believed to be Romulan… (source)

If your into your Star Trek, check out some of the awesome Star Trek Replicas Forbidden Planet have going on at their site!

Star Trek Replicas

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