Home Superheroes Smallville Interactive Timeline!

Smallville Interactive Timeline!

by Dave Elliott

As part of the launch of SMALLVILLE: SEASON 8 on Blu-ray and DVD (12th October 2009) in the UK, i’ve been sent a link to this cool little flash timeline widget that shows key events throughout the shows history. Least it gives you something to do whilst waiting for Season 9’s UK air date (which looks like sometime 2010 if E4 have their way).

Our favourite superhero-in-the-making, Clark Kent (Tom Welling), is back and on supercharged form in SMALLVILLE: SEASON 8 – out on Blu-ray and DVD from 12th October 2009.

Following the dramatic finale of Season 7 and the collapse of the Fortress of Solitude, Clark is at a cross roads in his life and decides he needs to make some big changes.

In SMALLVILLE: SEASON 8, Clark Kent moves closer to embracing his destiny as the iconic superhero he will become. Spending less time in his hometown and more time in the big city of Metropolis, Clark comes across a multitude of DC Comic characters, including the “Ultimate Destroyer”, an alien from Clark’s home world of Krypton. Clark also begins his career at the Daily Planet working opposite Lois Lane. With Clark and Lois thrust into such close proximity, sparks begin to fly and feelings start to surface while he struggles to deal with his dual personalities of reporter and superhero.

Follow the transformation of boy to man and local hero to  superhero, as Clark takes us closer to his destiny in this reinterpretation of the enduring Superman mythology.

With realistic portrayals and award-winning, state-of-the-art special effects, Smallville: Season 8 is, available on both DVD and Blu-ray – offering stunning high definition clarity.

SMALLVILLE: SEASON 8 is out on Blu-ray and DVD from 12th October.
is also available on DVD from 12th October

Special Features include:

  • Cast/creator commentary
  • Unaired scenes
  • In the director’s chair: Behind the scenes with Allison Mack
  • Smallvilles Doomsday: The making of a monster

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