Home TV News MTV UK to stroll through Death Valley in Jan!

MTV UK to stroll through Death Valley in Jan!

by Dave Elliott

Undead Task Force

MTV are rolling into the New Year with the most unlikely police force around – the ‘Undead Task Force’, from brand new scripted horror-comedy Death Valley. With a remit to hunt the vampires, werewolves and zombies that tirelessly roam the streets of San Fernando Valley; you wouldn’t think battling the undead could be so funny. Sexy, gory and packed full of laughs, Death Valley is a non-stop thrill ride featuring extreme chases, hardcore kills and bizarre encounters with the supernatural. Already a smash hit in the States, Death Valley takes viewers to a place they’ve never been before with everything from vampire hookers to werewolf porn stars.

MTV are celebrating the new series by recruiting new Undead Task Force officers, and offering one lucky member the chance to win a trip to Los Angeles (Death Valley).

The ‘Death Valley: Share to Kill’ Facebook app gives MTV fans an inside peak at life as an Undead Task Force officer. Working as a team, fans from all over the world must kill vampires, werewolves, and zombies in order to rid Death Valley of the menacing and hideous creatures.

Zombie Cheerleader

Zombie Cheerleader

Through exclusive video footage of disgustingly gory Valley pests, users are invited to create and share their own witty caption about the video. If enough comments are made, MTV will reveal the creature being slaughtered in the grotesque yet hilarious ways of the Undead Task Force – think headshots, knuckles and baseball bats. The caption with the most likes also wins exclusive Death Valley merchandise.

However, if all of the Valley’s horrible species are killed before the worldwide Death Valley premier, the user with the most creative caption will win a trip all the way to Death Valley in Los Angeles where zombies may or may not be roaming the streets…

The new, hilarious gore-ridden series will be on our screens for twelve weeks from Monday the 30th of January exclusively on MTV, but if you can’t wait until then to join the Undead Task Force at work, visit: http://on.fb.me/Az9ArH

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