Today has seen a whole raft of new UK TV air dates announced, so I thought i’d just round them all up into one quick post for you!
Being Human, Season 5 – BBC Three – 3rd February 2013 at 10pm
It’s all change on Barry Island. Tom (Michael Socha) and Hal (Damien Molony) return as the werewolf and vampire, but with Annie now passed over, Alex (Kate Bracken) takes up residence as the series new ghost.
Alex is adjusting to her less-corporeal life, whilst Hal is still struggling with this blood-lust. And Tom is, well… Tom. This season sees the boys take employment at the Barry Grand Hotel, where they meet resident pensioner Captain Hatch (Phil Davis). Whilst at first he seems to be a just a grumpy old man, it seems ‘grumpy’, and ‘old’ don’t nearly do him justice… ‘Evil’ and ‘Ancient’ maybe rather more appropriate!
See the Being Human page here for more info.
Sons of Anarchy, Season 5 – 5USA 6th February 2013 at 10pm
SoA is a show I’ve only really just discovered, but I’m half way through season 1 and loving it! Following the lives of the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club, Redwood Original (SAMCRO), as they wrestle rival gangs and the law to maintain control in the little town of Charming, California. I was recommended this as I liked Breaking Bad and Hell on Wheels, and I can see why. Although the subject is very different, it’s got a very similar vibe to it. If you like either of those shows, I’d urge you to give SoA a try!
See the Sons of Anarchy page here for more info.
Nashville, Season 1 – More4 – 7 February 2013 at 10pm
Connie Britton stars as Rayna Jaymes, a ‘Queen of Country’, whose reign has hit a bit of a rough patch. After 20yrs in the business, she is struggling to adapt to the changing music scene. Unlike sexy little troublemaker Juliette Barnes (Hayden Panettiere) whose career is on the rise as the No 1 country crossover artist, with her eyes on Jaymes’s crown… When the record labels suggest the 2 tour together, there can only really be one outcome. Bitchiness, backstabbing, and general cat fighting as the two artists claw to sit on the country music throne.
See the Nashville page here for more info.
Spartacus: War of the Dammed, Season 4 (Final Season) – Sky1 – 11th February 2013 at 10pm
It’s the final battle for the intrepid rebel Spartacus. Expect more blood, sweat, swords… and nudity. It seems whilst we were away, Spartacus has grown his little band of rebels into a fully formed army of over 30,000, ready to reign havoc and terror on their former oppressors. This season also see’s the arrival of the big man himself, Julius Caesar, along with his sidekick, the roman general Marcus Crassus!
See the Spartacus page here for more info.
Vegas, Season 1 – Sky Atlantic 14th February 2013 at 10pm
It’s rather apt Vegas is airing on Valentines Day as this is a show in serious need of some love! CBS have already cut its first season order down by 1 episode, and it’s numbers in the US are looking rather shaky… It’s currently listed in the Danger Zone section of out Renewal/Cancelled Show page, and looking increasingly like it’s not going to make it to a 2nd season… However, if you like mafia gangster shows, you don’t get much more gangster than the formation of Las Vegas in the 60’s, so I urge you to give it a shot. Just bare in mind, you may be left hanging at the end of the season…
See the Vegas page here for more info.
Doctor Who, Season 7 (part 2) – BBC One – 30th March 2013
After a surprise introduction at the start of season 7, and rather more surprisingly (spoiler alert if you’ve not seen season 7 part 1 or the Christmas special!) having already been killed off… twice, we finally get to see Clara Oswin Oswald joins the Doctor for some adventures in the big blue box!
As The Doctor says… “Running away with a Spaceman in a box, anything could happen to you…” but given that he describes Clara as ‘impossible’ – and not in an angry ‘grrr… your impossible!’ way, but the fact she is literally impossible – I’d say The Doctor and his new companion are both in for an interesting time!
See the Doctor Who page here for more info.
You can keep up with all the latest UK TV premiere dates on our UK Air Dates page here!