Home Gaming Top 5 Retro Games You Should Try Playing

Top 5 Retro Games You Should Try Playing

by Dave Elliott

Top 5 Retro Games You Should Try Playing

The gaming industry has been continuously growing and expanding in recent years. It can not be denied that many new games have hooked gamers. However, retro games are equally popular among regular gamers. There are multiple reasons why retro games could be more popular among gamers in comparison to more recent games.

When it comes to the popularity of video games among generations, a recent survey by ExpressVPN revealed that millennials tend to spend the most time gaming. According to the survey, millennials also spend the most money on gaming kits and other gaming-related things. Even though many younger people also play video games, they are less prone to spending a lot of time gaming. It is also notable that the huge involvement of millennials in the gaming industry might also be the reason for the huge popularity of retro games.

Popularity Of Retro Games

Retro games are more popular than newer games due to the nostalgia factor, for sure. Notably, a lot of gamers also feel that retro games like Pac-Man and Super Mario Bros are way more creative in comparison to newer games. Additionally, these games are also considered to have an original concept which makes them more popular among gamers in comparison to newer games.

Best Retro Games To Play

There have been multiple games over the years, but some retro games are still popular among the gaming community. So, let’s take a look at one of the best retro games that you should also try out for yourself.

  • PacMan – One of the first video games to become popular, PacMan was launched for the first time in 1980. The game became popular as an arcade game, consisting of a maze-like structure that allows the players to move around and get points while saving themselves from the ghosts trying to capture them.
  • Tetris – Launched for the first time in 1984, Tetris is a puzzle game that became popular with its Game Boy version. The game is known for changing the gaming industry in its initial years and had a huge impact on a huge chunk of the millennial generation.
  • Super Mario World – One of the best Nintendo games, Super Mario world is undeniably one of the best adventure games of the 90s. The game was launched in 1990 and was one of the first Super Mario video games.
  • Space Invaders – Fans of shooter games might remember the original shooter game called Space Invaders. The first version of the game was launched in 1978, and the game became heavily popular due to its interesting concept. The game featured an extraterrestrial enemy that gamers had to shoot and kill while saving themselves against its attacks.
  • Super Mario Bros – One of the most popular Super Mario games is the Super Mario Bros. The game has multiple versions, and Nintendo has relaunched the game many times with newer graphics and visuals due to its popularity. The first version of the game was launched in 1988.


There are many retro games that are still popular among the gaming community. Even though newer games have better graphics and are more visually pleasing, they can not beat the nostalgia factor of retro games. It is also notable that due to the popularity of retro games, a lot of newer gamers also tend to gravitate toward retro games.

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