Based on the work of Erle Stanley Gardner, this drama series traces the origins of famed criminal defence lawyer Perry Mason (Matthew Rhys). The second season picks up with Perry in the throes of the Los Angeles legal system during the height of the Great Depression. Alongside crackerjack assistant Della Street (Juliet Rylance) and hardboiled ex-cop Paul Drake (Chris Chalk), the former PI garners a reputation for taking on clients that few would dare to defend. Months after the Dodson trial shook the city, Perry is readjusting to life as a civil attorney when a high-profile murder case brings him back into the fold. As the DA homes in on a pair of brothers from a desolate Hooverville, Perry is thrust into the centre of a vast conspiracy and forced to reckon with what it truly means to be guilty.
Perry Mason UK TV Premiere Date
Latest/Next UK Season: 2
Latest/Next UK TV Air Date: 02 May 2023
UK Channel: Sky Atlantic
Previous UK Premiere Dates
Season 1 – Sky Atlantic – 22 June 2020
Perry Mason US TV Premiere Date
Latest/Next US Season: 1
Latest/Next US TV Air Date: March 06, 2023 at 9:00 pm
US Channel: HBO Max
Previous US Premiere Dates
Season 1 – HBO – June 21, 2020 at 9:00 pm
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Additional Information:
Country of Origin: USA
Based on the work of Erle Stanley Gardner, this drama series traces the origins of famed criminal defence lawyer Perry Mason (Matthew Rhys).