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Ripper Update

by Dave Elliott


Last year at ComicCon there was a load of buzz about the muted buffy spin off Ripper being nearly signed and sealed… Then… Nothing… So, what’s the status at the moment. Well, due to Dollhouse being picked up, pretty much up in the air still…

From Digital Spy who spoke to Anthony Head recently:

“The latest is that I was over in LA last year at about this time. I bumped into Julie Gardner from BBC Wales who said ‘has anything ever happened to that?’ And at the same time I had just been speaking to Joss [Whedon] saying that there are a lot of people who keep asking about it. He said ‘Is there anybody at the BBC I can talk to about it?’ so I introduced him to Julie Gardner and they got on very well… and then the writers’ strike happened and Fox picked up an idea of his called Dollhouse that he’s doing with Eliza Dushku. So the answer is that there is a possibility of something happening… the story that he’s written could adapt to being a one-off story not necessarily related to Buffy. All that means that there is the will and there is the means. It’s a question of how, when and if it [comes together] through the next year or so.”

And this from the Beeb:

“There’s been vague talk for some time – it was a series and then a one-off film called Ripper. Creator Joss Whedon is busy with another project, I’m tied up too, so at the moment I’d just say that it’s still out there.”

So… still not looking good for a return to the Buffyverse anytime soon. Still, we have Dollhouse to look forward to. Plus i still think Ripper has the best chance of any of the Buffy spin off projects. I can wait a little longer for it.

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