Home Comic Books Spidey Joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe!

Spidey Joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe!

by Dave Elliott
Spidey Joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe!

Spidey Joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe!

This is a nice announcement to wake up to on a Tuesday morning! Sony have finally seen sense, and struck a deal which will allow Spider-man to appear in a future Marvel Cinematic Universe movie! Some of you maybe asking ‘why is this a big thing?’. Well, long ago, before Marvel started making billions off it’s movies, they sold a bunch of licenses for some of their characters so movie studios could make superhero movies. X-Men and Fantastic Four went to Fox, Sony bought Spider-man, etc… So this meant, when it came to making an Avengers movie, two of the comic book’s key Avengers from recent years were off the table, as the movie rights for Wolverine and Spidey weren’t owned by Marvel anymore.

This announcement changes all that… At least for Spidey anyway. The press release says:

Under the deal, the new Spider-Man will first appear in a Marvel film from Marvel’s Cinematic Universe (MCU). Sony Pictures will thereafter release the next instalment of its $4 billion Spider-Man franchise, on July 28, 2017, in a film that will be co-produced by Kevin Feige and his expert team at Marvel and Amy Pascal, who oversaw the franchise launch for the studio 13 years ago. Together, they will collaborate on a new creative direction for the web slinger. Sony Pictures will continue to finance, distribute, own and have final creative control of the Spider-Man films.

No news on whether that means Andrew Garfield is out as Spider-man, or whether he’ll get to retain the web shooters. Personally, I thought he made a really good Peter Parker, and I don’t think any of the issues with his 2nd Spider-man movie can be blamed on him.

This also means some monkeying around with the release dates for upcoming MCU films to slot in the new movies:

Marvel’s “Thor: Ragnarok” will hit theaters November 3, 2017. The following year, Marvel’s “Black Panther” will make its way to theaters on July 6, 2018, and Marvel’s “Captain Marvel” on November 2, 2018. Finally, Marvel’s “Inhumans” will now debut in theaters July 12, 2019.

So, Marvel film, then a Spidey film in 2017… I’d be very surprised if the MCU film isn’t next year’s Captain America: Civil War.

Now… If they can just strike a deal with Fox for Wolverine…

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