Home TV News Teaser Trailer For New Star Trek Series Lands

Teaser Trailer For New Star Trek Series Lands

by Dave Elliott


This was a welcome surprise from CBS today. A teaser trailer for the new Star Trek show they’re developing with Bryan Fuller at the helm!

Not a huge amount is know about the new show yet. No casting has been announced, and the trailer doesn’t give a whole lot away other then some nice space images, but there are some possible hints in there. Rumours are that it will be set in the original continuity – that of the previous tv shows, where Shanter was Kirk, but set somewhere else in the timeline. That could mean filling the gap between the original series and Next Generation, or it could take place in a time after Picard and co… A Next Next Generation if you will…

The trailer does say, ‘New Crews, New Villains, New Heroes, New Worlds’. The interesting thing about that, is the S on the end of crews. That rather implies the show may not be focused on one ship, which would be a cool new direction to take. There has also been a suggestion it could be some sort of anthology series, maybe following a different cast each season, which would also be an interesting way to go.

Bryan Fuller is a man who lives and breathes Trek – he started his career on Deep Space Nine – but is also not someone who’s afraid to think outside the box. He did bring us Pushing Daisies, Dead Like Me & Wonderfalls after all! So whilst it maybe a new twist on the Star Trek we know (much like the new logo), I think it’s in safe hands.

In the US, Star Trek will come to CBS’s new ‘CBS All Access’ streaming service in the new year, and I’d be astounded if it doesn’t get picked up here to air at the same time.

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