Home Movie News 4 Surprisingly Good Game-to-Movie Adaptations

4 Surprisingly Good Game-to-Movie Adaptations

by Jason Smith

4 Surprisingly Good Game-to-Movie Adaptations (Credit: Jeremy Yap – Unsplash)

Hollywood bigwigs have long been eyeing video games. But it would be an understatement to say that most games translated poorly to the silver screen. While some adaptations were unmitigated cash grabs lacking any substance, others tried something different and still ended up being terrible. From the goofiness of JCVD Street Fighter to the snoozefest of Assassin’s Creed, gamers gradually lost interest as filmmakers kept straying further and further away from their source material. Yet several productions have turned the tables lately, treating movie-goers with a string of compelling adaptations. So, here are four unexpectedly satisfying flicks based on video games.

Sonic The Hedgehog 2

Sonic loyalists were disgruntled when footage of an upcoming movie about the infamous blue hedgehog started surfacing in 2019. Fans were pretty vocal about their disappointment, pointing fingers at the overall creepiness of CGI Sonic. In a rare turn of events, the director actually heard the complaints. And the Sonic movie franchise moved past its early design controversy to win fans over.

Released in 2020, Sonic’s first instalment was a box office hit. But its much-anticipated follow-up outperformed its predecessor to become the highest-grossing game-to-movie adaptation in the US and a worldwide success story, to boot. Despite some pacing issues, this second outing enraptured audiences with its light-hearted fun and endearing humour – cue the clever nod to Ugly Sonic.

Werewolves Within

Fans of horror games have had it pretty rough in movie theatres. Silent Hill bombed at the box office, while all Resident Hill adaptations are universally railed. In 2003, the genre arguably hit rock bottom with Uwe Boll’s botched attempt at a remotely decent adaptation of House of the Dead. Expectations were low, thus, when Werewolves Within premiered in 2021. A US-only limited theatrical release, this mystery comedy horror flick came out quietly.

But the adaptation of the eponymous game by Red Storm Entertainment quickly garnered attention. Finding the right balance between spine-tingling jump scares and gory kills, all serviced by a witty script, the film felt like an inventive spin on a well-worn genre. And avid fans of the original game responded positively, granting Werewolves Within the highest score for a game adaptation on Metacritic.

Tomb Raider

Angelina Jolie was a top-notch casting choice for the brainy and sexy Lara Croft. But the first Tomb Raider films were lacklustre at best and frankly mediocre at worst. Unsurprisingly, hype wasn’t in the air when a reboot was released in 2018. This new origin story had more going for it than initially anticipated, however. Taking a grounded approach, Tomb Raider allowed its main actress Alicia Vikander to showcase her range and physicality. Fans were all the more bummed when a sequel was abruptly cancelled last year.

Thankfully for gamers, a brand-new entry appears to be in the works and could hit the shelves sometime in 2023. Meanwhile, avid fans can revisit the series’ classics. The iconic archaeologist has also inspired the iGaming industry with slots like Microgaming’s Tomb Raider. And newcomers can try them out on top platforms thanks to no deposit bonuses in the UK. Such offers allow users to test a website without spending a penny. Plus, no deposit bonuses are a simple grab-and-go affair. Gamers can therefore make the most of thousands of pokies and top casino games risk-free.

Detective Pikachu

Pokémon started as a humble title on the Nintendo Game Boy. Fast-forward to 2023, and the Japanese Pocket Monsters have spawned the biggest media franchise in the world. From collectable card games to cartoons, countless by-products have expanded the game’s universe. And while the Pokémon animated films might fill millennials with nostalgia, they are not exactly the cream of the crop. Incidentally, as few gamers as movie fans could have predicted the overwhelming success of Detective Pikachu.

The first live-action in the franchise took the world by storm in 2019. Critics lauded the film’s visual impact and engaging mix of action, comedy, and emotion. An offbeat adaptation of the eponymous adventure game, Detective Pikachu set the bar high for an immersive dive into the Pokémon universe.

Many recent productions are steering in the right direction and doing justice to video games in the movies. TV series might follow the same path, mirroring HBO’s critically-acclaimed rendition of The Last of Us. Better yet, 2023 looks out to be full of outstanding game movies and TV shows. Are we living a Renaissance of sorts for game-to-movie adaptations, then? Gamers can all but hope so.

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