Jonathan’s (Romesh Ranganathan) life revolves around his nine year-old son Spencer, and he’s always deferred the big and small decisions to his partner Claire (Jessica Knappett). So when Claire asks him to leave, Jonathan realises he has no home, no friends and no ambition. Except one: to try to preserve his son’s happiness in the face of his parents’ break-up.
Jonathan takes Spencer and runs away. But he only gets as far as the home of sister Danielle (Mandeep Dhillon) and her wife Courtney (Lisa McGrillis). Over the course of the series, the unlikely foursome gradually become a loving but utterly dysfunctional family unit. Can a Beta male find some backbone? And can Jonathan avoid passing his failings (and his really bad dress sense) on to his son?
Avoidance UK TV Premiere Date
Latest/Next UK Season: 2
Latest/Next UK TV Air Date: 05 April 2024
UK Channel: BBC One
Previous UK Premiere Dates
Season 1 – BBC One – 10 June 2022
Avoidance US TV Premiere Date
Latest/Next US Season: 1
Latest/Next US TV Air Date: No exact date/time - Unknown
US Channel: No US Broadcaster
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Country of Origin: UK
A new comedy created, written by and starring Romesh Ranganathan.