Home TV News Red Dwarf Gets a New Series!

Red Dwarf Gets a New Series!

by Dave Elliott
Red Dwarf files again!... again!

Red Dwarf files again!... again!

I know i’m a little behind with this news, but really i still thought it deserved to be mentioned…

Robert Llewellyn recently confirmed rumors that UKTV have commisioned 6 new episodes of the cult scifi show Red Dwarf at Dimension Jump XV (via twitter). Admittedly… given the ‘Back to Earth’ episodes (which ran on UKTV channel Dave earlier this year), I’m not sure whether this is a good or bad thing… I love early Red Dwarf, but it started to lose its way towards the end. Series 8 was a step in the right direction, but Back to Earth was 3 steps back again. While there were some glimmers of classic Dwarfness in ‘Back to Earth’, the story overall was pretty bad. On the plus side, the cast seem to slip back into their characters with ease, and it’s now possible to get some pretty decent effects with a small budget.

Still, I think it’s good they’re getting another shot at it (and ‘Back to Earth’ wasn’t it’s end point). I’d like to see Doug Naylor bring in some other writers to tackle some of the episodes, just to bring a fresh perspective. Hopefully, with the big comeback out of the way, this new series can go back to being more like the classic Red Dwarf we knew and loved.

Red Dwarf Series 10 scripts have been commissioned but filming isn’t due to start filming till 2010.

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