Home Movie News Top 5 Spider-Man Contenders

Top 5 Spider-Man Contenders

by Dave Elliott

Lot’s of rumours today that Sony has got down to it’s ‘final five’ Spider-Man contenders for it’s upcoming Spider-Man reboot. The new movie will be directed by ‘(500) Days of Summer’s’ Marc Webb, and written by James Vanderbilt (Zodiac, The Losers, Darkness Falls) and be out in 2012. Rumours are they’re using the ‘Ultimate‘ version of Spidey for inspiration, and plan to go back to the beginning, with Peter Parker back in high school.

So who’s pulling on the red and blue webby spandex? Here’s the list of finalists doing the rounds (so it’s probably wrong):

Jamie Bell

Jamie Bell

Age: 24
Best Know For: Billy Elliot

Best know as Billy Elliot, 24yr old Jamie is probably the highest profile guy on the list. He’s also starring in Tintin in 2011, which i’m guessing they’d want to make a franchise. Having potentially such a high profile lead in one franchise, could put the Spidey guys off casting him in another.

Andrew Garfield

Andrew Garfield

Age: 27
Best Know For:
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

Andrew is the 2nd Brit on the list. I’d only recently seen him in ‘The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus’ (which was superb), but at 27, despite his boyish looks, that might be really pushing trying to play a teen Spidey (which seems to be the way Sony want to go)… Then again, Nicholas Brendon was 26 when he started playing Xander in Buffy, so it’s not an impossible thing to pull off!

Frank Dillane

Frank Dillane

Frank Dillane

Age: 19
Best Know For: Tom Riddle in Harry Potter

Frank is really best know for playing Tom Riddle in the Harry Potter movies. He’s 19, good looking, and could be a pretty good fit for Peter Parker. Not a lot else i can tell you, other than he’s of British and Caribbean origin, and his favourite kind of biscuits are custard creams (apparently!).

josh hutcherson

Josh Hutcherson

Josh Hutcherson

Age: 17
Best Know For:
Remake of Journey to the Center of the Earth

17yr old Josh has been in and out of movies since the age of 10, appearing in ER, The Polar Express, Sathura, and, more recently, the remake of Journey to the Center of the Earth. Pretty experienced for a young actor, and has worked quite a bit with green screen (which would no doubt be useful in Spider-man!), i’d say he’s got a decent shot.

Alden Ehrenreich

Alden Ehrenreich

Age: 21
Best Know For: Francis Ford Coppola’s Tetro

Discovered at a friend’s bat mitzvah reception by Spielberg, Alden biggest role to date has been in Francis Ford Coppola’s Tetro. Apart from that, he popped up in Wendingo episode of Supernatural, and an episode of CSI. It’s fair to say, he’s a relative unknown! He’s 21, and currently majoring in theatre at NYU.

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