Home Movie News X-Men: First Class, our initial views!

X-Men: First Class, our initial views!

by Becky

X-Men: First Class

Yesterday I took my place amongst an apprehensive and skeptical assembly of reviewers and braced myself for what I fully expected to be a disappointing two hour ride through the butchered wonderland which is comic book adaptations. A suited gorilla confiscated my phone as I came in for the screening (he was nice enough about it but as you can tell, we don’t like to be parted) which wasn’t a surprise when one considers how hush hush PR have been about X-Men: First Class and as much as a critical gasp escaping any of us until we got the green light. A select handful of reviewers have just been given an amber light which means I can offer you a teaser first impression to whet your appetites.



Now, I must admit, I am a big comic book geek who was raised on old school Marvel, I was even born on Stan Lee’s birthday and consequently X-men has always been very close to my little nerdy heart. I abandoned my hopes that Hollywood would be utterly faithful to the original source a few movies ago and I suggest any diehard fans do the same, but don’t let this put you off! X-Men: First Class is the long awaited phoenix from the ashes of a flailing franchise.

Whilst some hardcore Marvel devotees may need to suspend their lore to fully enjoy it, those who have waited with baited breath can heave a sigh of relief; Matthew Vaughn has certainly done the X-men overdue justice. X-Men: First Class is a stylish and invigoratingly rich addition to the X-men chronicles.


X-Men: First Class

The storyline is an outrageously entertaining mutation of human history, impressively paced; it offers a creative take on the invisible line between men and monsters with some clever factual parallels, a simple trick which had yet to be done in the X-men saga. The film is superbly cast with a few surprises as the characters straddle the spectrum between Good, Evil and Misled with charm and intelligence and just the right amount of dark, raw emotion that really makes a superhero movie.

Funny, engrossing and seductive, X-Men: First Class has claws and curves in all the right places.

For our full review you’ll have to check back on Wednesday. We apologize for being so tantalizing but if there are any telepaths out there I’m pretty sure there’s a clause in the embargo for you too!

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