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How To Get The Most Back For Your iPhone 4!

by Dave Elliott
Get money back on your old iPhone

Get money back on your old iPhone

Apple are on the verge of releasing another iPhone, set out to be the iPhone 5 according to all reports, but could they surprise us with a “New iPhone” branding like they do with the “iPad 3”?

Of course, with a new release we have to think about the prices for our old iPhones. The panic button doesn’t need to be pressed just yet, but prices are expected to continue falling on iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S devices in the run up to the new release.

So what does this mean for us? Well, we need to keep an eye on prices and the best way to do that is to make full use of a comparison website such as SellMyMobile.com who are constantly keeping an eye on current prices.

If you want to get rid of your iPhone now, and not run the risk of keeping it and losing value, then there are a few places that you can try to sell it at.

1. SellMyMobile.com

Already mentioned earlier on in this article. Sell My Mobile are a price comparison website who compare all the leading UK recycling companies such as Mazuma and Envirofone. The best part about using these guys is that you don’t have to pay listing or final value fees.  So the price quoted is the price you get paid.

2. eBay.co.uk

An old favourite for many of us. With eBay you can get more back for your phone, however you run the risk of getting less. You also have insertion fees and final value fees to pay. Posting your item can also take time.

3. Amazon.co.uk

Here you can list an item with a set price, on a marketplace that serves 162 million customers worldwide. However the costs can be high if the item is sold and it can also take time for it to be sold. Other than that Amazon can get you the exact price you want.

Overall, each site has its positive and its negative points, but if you are looking to sell your iPhone then SellMyMobile.com comes in at the top of the list as the benefits outweigh the rest.

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