It’s the last of the TV show categories. All rise and wave your Union Jacks for the British TV Show of the Year!
- 6th (Joint) – Being Human – BBC3
- 6th (Joint) – Red Dwarf – Dave
- 5th – Mad Dogs – Sky 1
- 4th – Q.I. – BBC2
3rd (Bronze Award) – Merlin – BBC1
It maybe finally over, but Merlin gave us 5 great series of homegrown magic and mythology in a re-telling of the Arthurian legend. Starring Colin Morgan as a Merlin, a young wizard who has to hide his gifts as magic is outlawed, and Bradley James as Arthur Pendragon, who he rises to the throne of Camelot. Merlin, acting as Arthur’s servant, has to walk the line between aided Arthur, but avoiding exposing his magical talent. It was a classic, Saturday tea time, BBC family show, and it’s left quite a hole in BBC1’s weekend schedule. I’ll be very interested to see what they come up with to fill it!
You can pick up all the seasons of Merlin on DVD and Blu-ray now!
2nd (Silver Award) – Doctor Who – BBC1
And it’s another award for Steven Moffat! Still, this one is a silver, so it should off-set the 2 golds he’s already won quite nicely… oh… make that…
Doctor Who returns 30th March 2013 on BBC 1
1st (Gold Award) – Sherlock – BBC1
…3 Gold Awards! And it’s a 2nd gold for Sherlock having already picked up Best Drama, along with the Gold in Best Sci-Fi for Doctor Who! Moffat is having a rather good night! :)
Sherlock, Series 3 will be on our screens in late 2013