Home Book Reviews Comic Book Review: Tabatha

Comic Book Review: Tabatha

by Dave Elliott

Tabatha Comic Book

Tabatha Comic Book

Whilst at MCM Comic Con a last month I had the chance to pick up and chat with a few of the independent comic book writers and artists. One particular issue that caught my eye was ‘Tabatha‘ from Neil Gibson and Caspar Wijngaard.

Set in LA where we’re introduced to Luke, seemingly an ordinary guy, working as a mailman, hating his job, buts seeing it as ‘a means to an end’… That end being to suss out properties which he and his friends can come back later and rob. However, on one of their nightly excursions to relieve an unsuspecting mark of their valuables, in the basement of the house, they discover something wrong… very very wrong…

Tabatha is great issue 1. The artwork is beautifully done, and somewhat reminiscent of Tony Moore’s work on The Walking Dead books, although Tabatha is in glorious technicolor. Gibson has created a wonderfully dark story, covered with a layer of great humour. The various characters feel rounded and real, and I can’t wait to see where he takes them next. Roll on issue 2!

If you want to read Tabatha, you can find a copy embeded above, and you can find more on Tabatha, and Gibson’s other comic books at www.neilgibsoncomics.com

9/10 – One of the best indie comics I’ve read!

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