Home Misc Which is better: The Android L or the Apples’ New Operating System?

Which is better: The Android L or the Apples’ New Operating System?

by Dave Elliott


The release of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus has caused a typical stir among consumers, not least because there have been two new products brought to market as opposed to one. There is also the added benefit of the new iOS 8 system, which has been unveiled simultaneously and remains available to customers’ with older Apple handsets. This release has also coincided with Google’s decision to release the new Android L operating system, which is the largest of its kind since the Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) was unrolled almost 3 years ago.

So whichever way you analyse these events, it is undoubtedly and extremely exciting time for customers nationwide. The overriding question is which of these upgrades is superior, as this may have a huge impact on whether the iPhone 6 or the equally coveted Samsung Galaxy S5 ultimately sells more units during the third and fourth financial quarter. The initial signals do not look positive for Apple, however, as reviewers have talked extensively about the ‘buggy’ nature of the iOS 8 and considered it to be one of the weakest features of the iPhone 6.

The new Android L is also superior in terms of design, as it has evolved considerably from previous operating systems and now utilises a ‘material’ design to make icons and onscreen content appear more physical and real. So even though the iOS 7 was renowned for presenting smart and clearly defined graphics, Apple’s failure to significantly improve this has enabled Google to steal a march and create a more sophisticated operating system. This is bad news for Apple, who have already been forced to iron out a number of bugs and glitches with their overall design.

Whether you use your phone for business or enjoy playing casino games online, the reliability and performance of your chosen operating system is crucial. So keep this in mind when buying a new smartphone and considering the relative merits of handsets on the market.

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