Home Gaming Does Baccarat have the best odds? A detailed discussion.

Does Baccarat have the best odds? A detailed discussion.

by Jason Smith

Does Baccarat have the best odds? A detailed discussion.

Baccarat is one of the most popular casino games of all time. It has been around for a long time and gamblers who wager large sums of money are always on the lookout for a live dealer baccarat online Canada. In the old days, this game had several complex rules and always involved a lot of money. However, the rules are much simpler now, and even with a modest sum of money, you can take part in this game.

Let us now take an in-depth look into this game. Hopefully, it will help you decide whether Baccarat is truly profitable or not.

Rules of the game

There are a total of eight decks in Baccarat. While the game is ongoing, in the event of a player hand winning, the deck is distributed counter-clockwise. This encourages each participant to play actively. Before the game commences, each player bets on the winning side, which is either the player or the dealer. After the dealer’s final announcement, no new bets are allowed.

In the beginning, the first participant distributes four cards from the deck between the player and the dealer, with each of them having two cards in their hands. The hand totals are then calculated and the winner is declared. In case either hand has a total of 8 or 9, no additional cards are needed. If the dealer’s hand does not fulfil this condition, the player draws an additional card.

Winning conditions

If the player’s or dealer’s hand is the nearest to nine, it is declared as the winner. If the total value of the two cards is 10 the value is considered zero. Picture cards and tens also have no value. In case the two cards add up to double-digits, the second digit is taken as the total value. In case you wager on the house and win, you will need to pay a 5% commission. You can get a higher payout while betting on a tie since the odds are quite slim.

Baccarat odds

Many novice gamblers tend to make the incorrect assumption that the odds of winning are the same for both the player and the house. This is not true at all. In this game, the house has a winning chance of 45.86%, and the player’s bet has a 44.62% chance of winning. There is only a 9.52% chance that the hands will be tied. Since the house completes their hand last, they get a slight edge over the player.

Armed with this knowledge, you may think it would be the more prudent choice to put your money on the house, because of the slight edge they have. To compensate for the house edge, casino operators charge a commission whenever you win a wager placed on the house. Thus, if you wagered $20 on the house and they happened to win the hand, you will make a gain of $19 rather than $20, keeping in mind the 5% commission.

Although the winning margins are quite slim, expert gamblers often recommend wagering on the house, regardless of the commission you need to pay. Following mathematical logic, this gives a higher chance of winning. But gamblers are famous for not adhering to logic at all times, and many of them choose to place risky bets in the hope of getting fat payouts.

Although normally you this game with 8 decks, there are some variations, for which the odds are a bit different. A 6-deck game has house edges of 1.24%, 1.06%, and 14.44% for the player bet, banker bet, and tie bet, respectively. At some casinos, you will find a single-deck Baccarat game that has a house edge of 15.75% for the tie, 1.02% for the dealer, and 1.29% for the player.

There is another uncommon variation known as the 3-card Baccarat where the house edge is significantly higher at 2.41%. When it comes to the hand total of the dealer, you can make 10 different types of bets and there are 22,100 possible combinations. If you are betting on the total value being zero, the house edge is 2.91%. For this variation, the tie bet has a house edge of 2.80% and a payout of 20:1.

House edge and payouts

Baccarat is a game for which you don’t have to spend hours reading a rule book and studying multiple plays. It also doesn’t require too much brainstorming, and this is the reason why many high-rolling gamblers are attracted to it. The house edge for this game is one of the lowest when compared to slot and table games, with the exception being Blackjack. Then again, Blackjack requires a certain level of skill, which makes Baccarat the best casino game for many.

The house edge for this game is only 1.06%, and this is quite negligible when you take into account the house edge for Blackjack which is approximately 4% for a novice gambler. If you adopt an effective strategy, however, you can lower the house edge to 0.5%. But it takes a lot of effort to study gaming strategies and coming up with your own playing style. It may take years before you finally get a hold of the game. With Baccarat, this is not an issue, since the house of edge remains unchanged, no matter what.

House edge refers to the advantage that every casino enjoys. This allows them to earn money, no matter who wins or loses, so they can keep entertaining the gamblers and provide them with a safe platform where they can place their wagers. Considering the house edge, you stand to lose $1.06 for each $100 wagered. Of course, on a given day, you can win consecutive sessions, but once you become a long-term player, you will see that the winning odds are pretty accurate.

Side bets for Baccarat

While playing at an online or offline betting establishment, you can find multiple side betting options. Normally, people either bet on the player, the house, or a tie. If you get tired of the normal bets, you might think side bets are a great way to make things more interesting. In reality, these bets offer casinos the opportunity to earn some extra money.

Similar to Blackjack, experts do not recommend making side bets for Baccarat because they exhaust your gains in no time. One of the most popular side bets you can make is that the player’s or the dealer’s hand comprises entirely of black or red cards. The respective payouts for all black and all red are 24:1 and 22:1.

Bellagio Match is a side bet when you wager that one hand will contain three cards having the same value. If it is a player hand, you get a payout of 75:1, whereas the payout for the dealer’s hand is 68:1. You can also bet on the total number of cards in both hands at the end of the round. There is a payout of 3:2 for four cards and 2:1 for five or six cards.

There are some very specific side bets that offer higher payouts. For example, you can wager that the banker will have three cards in their hand and that they will win with a combined card value of seven. This will give you a 40:1 payout, but as you can guess, it’s a very risky bet.

Why casinos fear Baccarat

For the last couple of decades, many casinos have been discouraging players from participating in this game. The obvious reason is the low house edge. When the play gets extended, the house edge rises to 14% for the third bet. As such, seasoned gamblers generally wager on the player or the banker.

Due to the favourable odds, the player has a good chance of winning their hand, which means the casino must pay some money from its own coffers. Of course, the house can make large winnings within a short time period, but the risks are considerable. It is not uncommon to hear about a casino losing large sums of money to baccarat players. Recently, there have been many such cases, which is why many establishments have chosen to exclude the game to avoid incurring losses.

Baccarat vs Mini Baccarat

Mini Baccarat has the same scoring rules and wager types as Baccarat, but there are some subtle differences you should know about if you are looking to try out this version of the game. The stakes are significantly lower for Mini Baccarat. You can get started with as little as $5 for each hand. The table size is also smaller and there are at most seven players.

In Mini-Baccarat, the playing pace is much higher. If you are playing with 2 other people, there might be as many as 200 hands in an hour. Of course, compared to video poker and slots, the pace is still slower. However, it is one of the fastest table games.

Unlike regular Baccarat, the role of the dealer is fixed in Mini-Baccarat. As a player, you don’t need to touch the cards at any point. While there are six decks in Mini-Baccarat, regular Baccarat involves eight decks. Due to the smaller number of decks used, the house has better odds when it comes to tie bets. The dealer has a much bigger role to play in Mini-Baccarat, distributing all the cards between the players. Conversely, in Baccarat, the role of the dealer shifts from player to player.

You need a maximum of $10 to play a hand of Mini Baccarat at an offline casino, whereas the minimum bets for regular Baccarat are normally greater than or equal to $100. Several online casinos have included this game in their collections. You can play a live game with a dealer while not risking too much of your money.

Novice gamblers do not wish to splash too much money in the beginning, for obvious reasons. Baccarat is not for casual gamblers and people who play it regularly are high-rollers looking to make some serious money. Due to its simplicity and high pace, the new generation of gamblers clearly favours this variation of the classic Baccarat game.


According to greatcasinoonline.com, Baccarat has one of the best odds among table games. Now you know all about the odds offered by this game, you can visit an online casino and wager real money. Remember, you need a hefty sum of money to play this game regularly, so make sure you are not losing money by making risky side bets. While taking the occasional risk is harmless, you shouldn’t make it a habit and instead, wager on the events with higher odds.

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