Day 5 is the first dramatic series from Rooster Teeth Productions, set in the immediate aftermath of a fatal sleep epidemic. After a fortuitous drug bender saves his life, addict Jake (Jesse C. Boyd) ventures out into the quiet streets… unaware that most of the world already died in their beds. Now, battling sleepless fatigue and encroaching delirium, Jake teams with a scrappy teenager (Walker Satterwhite), overnight doctor (Stephanie Drapeau) and red-eye pilot (Davi Jay) to search for answers… and just maybe find a way to sleep again. Set in a world of insomniacs, late-shift workers and roving psychotics, Day 5 presents a unique vision of the apocalypse that fuses serial drama and thriller around a human story of survival and redemption.
Day 5 UK TV Premiere Date
Latest/Next UK Season: 2
Latest/Next UK TV Air Date: No exact date/time - Unknown Unknown (TBC)
UK Channel: Pick TV
Previous UK Premiere Dates
Season 1 – Pick TV – 28 August 2018 at 10:00 pm
Day 5 US TV Premiere Date
Latest/Next US Season: 2
Latest/Next US TV Air Date: August 06, 2017
US Channel: Rooster Teeth
Previous US Premiere Dates
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Additional Information:
Country of Origin: USA
An apocalyptic drama where sleep can kill you.