A high-stakes prison drama starring Luca Zingaretti (Inspector Montalbano), taking on the role of the controversial prison boss Bruno Testori, who rules the San Michele penitentiary with his own special set of laws. Whilst Testori’s life outside the prison may have gone wrong, inside San Michele he dominates as ‘The King’. Ruthless with those who deserve it and unexpectedly compassionate with others, Testori always follows the principles of his own distorted and obscure morals. When the kingdom risks crumbling, threatened by imminent danger, Bruno will have to fight the most difficult of wars.
The King UK TV Premiere Date
Latest/Next UK Season: 1
Latest/Next UK TV Air Date: 19 April 2022 at 10:00 pm
UK Channel: Sky Atlantic
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US Channel: No US Broadcaster
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Country of Origin: USA
A high-stakes prison drama starring Luca Zingaretti (Inspector Montalbano), taking on the role of the controversial prison boss Bruno Testori, who rules the San Michele penitentiary with his own special set of laws.