Home Geeky Electronic Cigarettes In The UK

Electronic Cigarettes In The UK

by Dave Elliott

Nicocig's Electronic Cigarette for sale in the UK

I’ve been talking with the guys at Nicocig electronic cigarettes over the last few weeks, and, knowing how GeekTown residents tend to like their gadgets, I thought i’d post a bit about their them.

There have been a few different varieties of electronic cigarettes knocking around recently, but Nicocig is the only one which is available from pharmacies, and is largest and official supplier of electronic cigarettes in the UK. I have a few friends that smoke, or who have been trying to get their partners to quit smoking, and they’d asked if these cigarette alternatives are any good. Have to say they seem rather impressive.

They were demoing it to me, and if your someone with a partner that smokes and can’t stand the smell, this could be a great compromise. Nicocig’s are better for the smoker, and the people around them. The Nicocig pretty much looks like a normal cigarette. The user inhales exactly the same why as he would when smoking ordinary cigarettes, however the ‘smoke’ that is exhaled is not smoke, but odourless harmless condensation.

Nicocig‘s don’t contain tar, tobacco, or any of the other 4000 chemicals that go into your average normal ciggy,  just nicotine.

They’re also cheaper than normal cigarettes, and (as using an electronic cigarette is not smoking tobacco), electronic cigarettes are not prohibited by the smoking ban! So not more standing outside in the rain when you want to smoke.

Hop on over to Nicocig’s Website for more on electronic cigarettes.

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