Home Competitions Competition: Win Metalocalypse Season 3 on DVD!

Competition: Win Metalocalypse Season 3 on DVD!

by Dave Elliott
Metalocalypse - Series 3

Metalocalypse - Series 3

Revolver Entertainment are proud to present the DVD release of the brutally metal Adult Swim show, Metalocalypse Season 3 and the complete Metalocalypse 1-3 Boxset. Both will be available on DVD March 21st, at £19.99 and £29.99 RRP.

Metalocalypse is an animated comedy series that follows the on and off-stage adventures of Dethklok, the world’s most popular and heaviest metal band – so popular that thousands of fans will travel to a remote area of Scandanavia to hear them perform a a jingle for a coffee company.

Season 3 of Metalocalypse picks up directly after the violent attack on Mordhaus leaving the band in a precarious position without management. Left alone to rebuild their legacy in the sky, they are challenges with new venomous trials. How will the biggest entertainment act in the universe cope with the brutality of a troubled music industry, declining economy, and their own unbridled narcissism? How will the band deal with getting too big and losing touch with their roots? By joining their own tribute band? Will they live through the torture of having planned sex with unattractive mates? Can they handle the dark origin of a Rock and Roll clown?

Let the Metalocalypse take us…

Buy Metalocalypse – Series 3 from Amazon!

How to Win Metalocalypse Season 3 on DVD!

We have 3 copies of Metalocalypse Season 3 to give away on DVD. All you need to do to win is:

Competition now closed

Or do both and DOUBLE your chances!

The competition closes on 31st March 2011 and is open to UK residents aged 17 or over. There will be 3 winners picked from entries on geektown.co.uk and Twitter. By entering this competition, you are agreeing to the rules of this competition. Full rules can be read here.

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