Home Misc STAR WARS: The Old Republic gets a launch date!

STAR WARS: The Old Republic gets a launch date!

by Dave Elliott


It’s been a long (long time…) in coming, but Bioware have finally given us a release date for STAR WARS: The Old Republic… And it’s the 22nd of December 2011 for Europe (20th of December if your over in North America)! Merry Christmas everyone! :D

SWTOR is a game we’ve been desperate to play ever since it was announced back in 2008. Originally planned for early 2011, not unsurprisingly give Bioware’s usual ‘we’ll release it when it’s ready and not before’ attitude, it slipped, and we were beginning to wonder if we’d ever get to see SWTOR this side of the 2011 holiday season. Thankfully the lil Bioware Ewoks have been hard at work, and from all the footage and previews i’ve see, SWTOR is not only ready, it should be one of the most engrossing and detailed MMORPG game worlds ever created.

Like previous Bioware games, SWTOR has a heavy focus on story, way more so than any other MMORPG gone before. Bioware plan to firmly re-attached the RPG part of the acronym – something that has been sorely missing in many more recent MMO releases.

After your initial 30 days, the subscription costs are pretty much in line with the genre’s other major player ‘World of Warcraft’, with 1 month subs at £8.99, 3 months at £25.17, and 6 months at £46.14. No news on how early the ‘Early Game Access’ will be yet.

So there your are, you now know what to ask Santa to get you for Christmas… STAR WARS: The Old Republic – 22nd of December 2011.

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