Home TV News SDCC: Iron Fist Gets A Trailer, New Luke Cage Trailer, Daredevil Renewed, Teaser For The Defenders

SDCC: Iron Fist Gets A Trailer, New Luke Cage Trailer, Daredevil Renewed, Teaser For The Defenders

by Dave Elliott
SDCC: Iron Fist Gets A Trailer, New Luke Cage Trailer, Daredevil Renewed, Teaser For The Defenders

SDCC: Iron Fist Gets A Trailer, New Luke Cage Trailer, Daredevil Renewed, Teaser For The Defenders

With San Diego Comic-Con in full swing, news has start to come in from the various panels and events at the show. Yesterday saw Netflix and Marvel take to the stage with footage, not only from the upcoming Luke Cage series (due 30th Sept 2016), but also a first trailer from Iron Fist, which will land on Netflix next year, plus news about Daredevil and The Defenders.

First up, they ran a ‘sizzle reel’ featuring footage from Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage, which you can see below. All that helped get the crowd amped up for the rest of the panel and announcements to come.

The panel was lead by Head of Marvel TV Jeph Loeb, with John Bernthal, aka The Punisher who will also be getting his own Netflix series. They started with some discussion about the introduction of Punisher, before going on to introduce Luke Cage showrunner Cheo Coker, along with the main man himself, Mike Colter, and the rest of the Cage cast. This was followed by a new trailer for the series:


After a bit of discussion about that show, they went on to not only officially announce that Daredevil would be getting a 3rd season, but also show the first footage of Iron Fist!

Finally, as if all that wasn’t enough, the ended on a small teaser trailer for The Defenders, which will see all 4 of the Netflix/Marvel heroes brought together in one show:


Luke Cage is due to arrive on Netflix – 30th Sept 2016, followed by Iron Fist, presumably around April 2017, although that’s not confirmed. The Defenders could be next, although they may slot Daredevil Season 3 in before then. They also have to fit in Jessica Jones Season 2, and The Punisher Season 1 in at some point as well. I think it’s fair to say, we’re not going to be short of Marvel hero shows on Netflix any time soon!

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