Home Movie News Predators Character Featurette: NOLAND (Laurence Fishburne)

Predators Character Featurette: NOLAND (Laurence Fishburne)

by Dave Elliott

As a lot of you will be aware, there is a new Predator movie on the horizon, imaginatively titled ‘Predators‘, and shot under the creative auspices of Robert Rodriguez. The new film is looking to try and bury the memories of AVP, and go back to it’s Predator roots. The movie stars Adrien Brody as Royce, a mercenary who reluctantly leads a group of elite warriors who come to realise they’ve been brought together on an alien planet… as prey.

With the notable exception of a disgraced physician, they are all cold-blooded killers – mercenaries, Yakuza, convicts, death squad members – human “predators” that are now being systemically hunted and eliminated by a new breed of alien predators. Here’s a little character featurette about NOLAND (played by Laurence Fishburne), and one of the unfortunate people on the Predator ‘to do’ list…

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