Following the believe the best games are played as a group, PlayStation have put together an experimental project called PlayStation Game Runners, where members of the public and young people from diverse backgrounds come together to create social games.
Developed by PlayStation and Hide & Seek, they set out with a team of 8 initial Game Runners who PlayStation have picked to train as game designers to work together to make the games relevant to the public. They currently have 3 games in development; Flags, BLOCKS & Hoops.
After a series of play tests to develop the games it was decided that the most popular was BLOCKS (video below). As the winning game it will be put forward into development and the public will have the chance to check out the game on Friday October 8th in London during an open day where anyone can drop in and try BLOCKS followed by a competition in the evening.
For more information on PlayStation Game Runners and to get involved hop over to – where you can comment on BLOCKS and support The Game Runners.