“Veronica Mars” the feature film based on the beloved and acclaimed US television series of the same name, will be released digitally on March 14. The 2013 Kickstarter sensation from writer and director Rob Thomas will be released digitally from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, the same day as the film is released in selected cinemas in the UK.
The “Veronica Mars” movie was made possible by a record-breaking Kickstarter campaign driven by fans of the television show, which ran from 2004 – 2007. Launched by series creator Thomas and series star Kristen Bell, the Kickstarter campaign unleashed an unprecedented level of fan enthusiasm and support, reaching the project goal of $2 million in just 10 hours. At the end of the 31-day campaign, fans contributed $5.7 million, making Veronica Mars the number one funded project in the film category and the third-highest funded project in Kickstarter history. It is the most widely supported Kickstarter campaign to date with more than 91,000 backers worldwide, who have remained engaged throughout production with frequent behind-the-scenes updates from Thomas and the film’s cast and crew.
Added Thomas, “I was totally taken off guard by the amount of international support we received during out Kickstarter drive. A movie of this scope wouldn’t have been possible without our international fans. I’m incredibly excited that fans around the world will be able to see the movie on the same day that it’s released here in the U.S.”
Fans of the show and the upcoming film can follow its progress, see cast and filmmaker diaries, exclusive content and release information by following the film’s social media presence, including:
- Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/
TheVeronicaMarsMovie) - Twitter (http://twitter.com/
VeronicaMars) - Instagram http://www.instagram.com/
TheVeronicaMarsMovie) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/
veronicamarsmovie) - Pinterest (http://pinterest.com/
theveronicamars/) - Tumblr (http://tumblr.com/OfficialVer
onicaMars) - www.warnerbros.co.uk/veronica-