Home Competitions Competition: Win 1 of 3 copies of PARANOIA on DVD!

Competition: Win 1 of 3 copies of PARANOIA on DVD!

by Dave Elliott
Paranoia on DVD

Paranoia on DVD

Liam Hemsworth’s (the non-Loki brother of Thor’s Chris Hemsworth) new movie PARANOIA is out on DVD & BLU-RAY on the 10th March 2014, and to help celebrate, we’re giving away 3 copies to 3 lucky Geektowners!

PARANOIA is a high-octane espionage thriller starring The Hunger Games’ Liam Hemsworth, and Amber Heard (Drive Angry).

Set in the cut-throat world of technology and corporate power the film also stars Gary Oldman (The Dark Knight), Harrison Ford (Ender’s Game) , Richard Dreyfuss (Jaws) and Lost star Josh Holloway.

Based on the New York Times bestselling novel written by Joseph Finder, PARANOIA is a sexy, slick adaptation from Australian Director Robert Luketic (Legally Blonde, 21).

Synopsis: The world’s two most powerful tech billionaires and bitter adversaries (Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman) will stop at nothing to outwit and destroy each other’s business empires. But when a young rising star (Liam Hemsworth) falls between them, he becomes trapped in the middle of the rivals’ life-and-death game of corporate espionage. By the time he realises his life is in danger, he is in far too deep and knows too much for them to let him just walk away…

How to Win 1 of 3 copies of PARANOIA starring Liam Hemsworth on DVD!

Shot for the ladies...

One for the ladies…

We have 3 copies of PARANOIA on DVD to give away, and as usual, all you have to do to win, is one (or both!) of the following:

1. Retweet the following:
Retweet to win 1 of 3 copies of PARANOIA on DVD (available on DVD & Bluray 10/03/14!) @Geektown http://wp.me/p10pHL-3LL

2. Leave a comment on this post saying you want to win!
You can just say you want to win, or… be a bit more creative with your answer, and tell me why I should pick you to win! ;)


The competition closes on 31st March 2014 and is open to UK residents aged 16 or over.
There will be 3 winners picked from entries on geektown.co.uk and Twitter.
By entering you are agreeing to the rules of this competition. Full rules can be read here.

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