Home TV News Haven Season 5 Volume 2: The Final Episodes DVD Review

Haven Season 5 Volume 2: The Final Episodes DVD Review

by Dave Elliott
Haven Season 5 Volume 2: The Final Episodes DVD

Haven Season 5 Volume 2: The Final Episodes DVD

After 5 seasons, the adventures of Audrey Parker & Nathan Wuornos and ‘The Troubles’ of Hillhaven comes to it’s conclusion, and thankfully it’s a pretty satisfying one. When we last left the small town in Maine a mysterious fog had cut of Haven from the rest of the world, who seemingly have forgotten it even exists, and no one can leave… Which is not a good thing, as Duke had just ‘exploded’ aether all over the place, and aether means more Troubles…

Haven Season 5 part 2, picks up right where we left off, with Dukes newly released Troubles causing havoc amongst the populous, who are also having to deal with dwindling supplies, and the problem that the electricity is failing, and (thanks to a Trouble) being in the dark means you’ve got a good chance of being killed. It’s fair say, whilst life in this little harbour town might not be fun, it’s not short of things to keep you on your toes! The rest of the series carries on in pretty much the vain you’ve come to expect from Haven, in a plot which is so complex at this point, i’m not even going to begin to try and explain it!

One notable addition to the cast for this half of the season is the great William Shatner, who plays a pivotal role in the events leading up to the finale. Shatner is in full on serious drama mode, and, whilst arguably his range consists of funny Shatner or serious Shatner, is always a welcome presence on screen. We also see a number of characters from previous episodes pop back up, including various Troubled people, a number of ‘villains’ and a certain investigator of paranormal activity…

Whilst I am sad to see the end of Haven and all it’s crazy plot lines, they did at least manage to take things to a reasonably satisfying conclusion, and considering the millions of threads they had to pull together at this point, that can’t have been an easy achievement!

The 4-disc season includes all 13 episodes as well as a raft of fan extras including:

  • Mythology Refresher
  • Haven Origins: Lovers Conquered
  • Haven Origins: Trust Kills
  • Haven Revisited: Livestream segments with cast and crew
  • Haven Archives: Entries from The Crocker Diaries
  • Inside Haven Featurettes
  • Interviews with Lucas Bryant, Eric Balfour, William Shatner, Adam Copeland and Shawn Piller

Haven Season 5 Volume 2: The Final Episodes is out to DVD now, and you can order your copy here.

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