E.A. annouced it’s European pricing for Rock Band this morning, at a price point most people must have assumed was a late April Fools joke… Sadly it wasn’t. You see, for some bizarre reason, instead of one pack called ‘Rock Band’, in Europe we get 2 packs.
Pack 1 – Rock Band the Game – GBP 49.99 / EUR 69.99.
Pack 2 – Rock Band ‘Instrument Edition’… which doesn’t actually CONTAIN THE GAME… Just the drum kit, guitar and microphone – GBP 129.99/ EUR 69.99.
So, that’s GBP 179.98 / EUR 139.98 for whole game as sold in the USA for $180 US!!
Sorry, But
F. U. – E.A!
There’s NO WAY in HELL i’m paying DOUBLE the US price for the same game.