Home TV News Primeval Becomes un-Extinct!

Primeval Becomes un-Extinct!

by Dave Elliott
Primeval is back!

Primeval is back!I

It’s not all that often you hear of tv shows being resurrected after seeming being so unceremoniously dumped by the commissioning channel. However it seems, just like the dinos in Jurrasic Park, Primeval has managed to become un-extinct thanks to a deal between ITV1, BBC America, UKTV channel Watch, Germany’s Pro7 channel, and Primeval’s creators Impossible Pictures for 2 more season of the show!

ITV1 will premiere Primeval season 4 in early 2011, with Watch repeating it soon afterwards, with BBC America and Pro7 handling the worldwide distribution. Primeval season 5 will then follow on, giving us 13 brand new episodes in total!

Laura Mackie, director of ITV drama commissioning, added: “We’re delighted to have agreed this new deal with Impossible to return Primeval to ITV1. The innovative nature of this partnership will allow the show to maintain its high production values.”

I’m quite pleased about this. I’d missed the 2nd season, but with no Doctor Who to clash with it this year, i watched all of the 3rd season and rather enjoyed it. What do you think? Happy it’s back, or should it have been left extinct? Leave your comments!


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