Home Movie News Martin Freeman IS Bilbo!

Martin Freeman IS Bilbo!

by Dave Elliott

Martin Freeman is Bilbo

Just been confirmed by Warner Bros – Martin Freeman IS Bilbo Baggins in Peter Jackson’s 2 movie based on The Hobbit!

Jackson has said “Despite the various rumours and speculation surrounding this role, there has only ever been one Bilbo Baggins for us.”

Also confirmed, Richard Armitage (Spooks, Robin Hood, Strike Back) as Thorin Oakenshield, leader of the Dwarves who make the trip to the Lonely Mountain. Have to say, Dwarf isn’t the first role that comes to mind when I think of Armitage, but I trust in Jackson’s team and their casting skills. Having said that, he’s a good actor, and he does have the gruff Dwarven voice for it (make up and effects will cover the rest!) I also guess that means Spooks is in for another change in lead actor…

The rest of the dwarves are made up by Aidan Turner (Being Human) as Kili, Rob Kazinsky (Eastenders) as Fili, Graham McTavish (24, Red Dwarf) as Dwalin, John Callen (Power Rangers Jungle Fury) as Oin, Stephen Hunter as Bombur, Mark Hadlow (King Kong) as Dori, and Peter Hambleton as Gloin.

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