Home Gaming Completing Your Zelda Cosplay

Completing Your Zelda Cosplay

by Dave Elliott

With London Film and Comic Con just around the corner, we though now would be a great time to give you a helping hand with a potential Cosplay costume for the show. So, here we give you some quick tips to building a cool Legend of Zelda costume!

The ultimate Legend of Zelda cosplay experience depends primarily on an attention to detail. It is the small things that make a big difference and distinguish the most experienced cosplayers from the amateurs. Careful consideration must be given to all elements of a costume to ensure authenticity and therefore maximum enjoyment.

The Legend of Zelda, with its extensive history populated by a diverse range of fascinating characters, provides ample opportunity to really bring that detail to life in a creative, fun and impressive way.



Choosing your character 

First of all, you need to choose your character. You may associate yourself with an action hero like Link, a mystical villain like Ganon, or a brave and beautiful princess like Zelda herself. Perhaps you would like to buck the trend and try to stand out from the crowd by dressing as one of the more obscure characters, such as a Hungry Goriya or Moblin.

Thinking about the kind of costume you want to create rather than just the character, and then staying true to that vision, will really help inspire your creativity.

The perfect outfit

Legend of Zelda ocarina

Legend of Zelda ocarina

Once you have decided on your character, it is time to have some fun and bring them to life. Here are some things to consider:

  • Costume – What sort of clothes do you need? Your character may have different guises so pick the one that appeals most to you, and do your research. There is a large community of Zelda cosplayers out there with a strong online presence, so have a look for advice and inspiration.
  • Make-up and Wig – People greet each other and have conversations face to face, so make sure you give due attention to everything above your neck. A wig that matches your character’s hair and some skilfully applied make-up can turn a simple change into a dramatic transformation.
  • Props – Almost all Legend of Zelda characters are associated with various accessories so make sure you do not go empty-handed. Perhaps the most famous is the Legend of Zelda ocarina, an essential addition to any Link costume. Click here for more information.

Finishing touches



The most impressive part of any costume is the thing that is not immediately obvious. The detail that only a true fan will notice and fully appreciate. At the most popular cosplay events there will invariably be a significant number of people dressed as the same character so it is important to give consideration to the finishing touches of your costume that will distinguish it from the rest.

A Legend of Zelda ocarina on which you can actually play some Zelda theme tunes is one such example and guaranteed to catch attention and ensure your costume stands out from the crowd.

Serious fun

While it is undoubtedly great fun, cosplay is in many ways a serious business and people devote a great deal of time and energy to it, even turning up to events in character. The cast from the Legend of Zelda provides some of the most exciting characters for a serious cosplayer to explore, with some of the most intriguing costumes and accessories – so go, have fun and be creative!

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