Netflix Tips and Tricks That Will Turn You Into A Streaming Pro!
If it’s not broken don’t fix it. However, you and I both know that even the best of things need a little touch up to be better. In this article, we’ve rounded up a few tips and tricks that’ll help you get the most out of your streaming experience.
Consider Watching During Off-Peak Hours
It sounds a bit absurd, but the truth is video quality and speed improve significantly when there are fewer people logged into the site. Say early in the morning or the wee hours of the night. Therefore, if you want to get the most out of your streaming and enjoy each and every movie like you’ve never before, your best bet is to become a night owl or an early bird so to speak.
Know the Workarounds by Heart
Let’s face it! A lot of the times, we often waste time because we have no idea that there are shortcuts that would have made our work a whole lot easier. Take for example if you want to access the full screen. All you have to do is press the F button to take you to it and the Esc to take you off it. This goes for a plethora of other actions such as pausing and playing, rewinding or toggling your mute button. It’s all about a touch of a button.
Use the Netflix Discount Cards to Save Money on Your Monthly Subscription
Do you know that you can pay your monthly bill with a Netflix gift card? Well, you sure can. Here’s how it works. You buy or sell a gift card for retailers at a discount of say 12% and this will, in turn, save you 12
% on your Netflix bill.
Strip the Spoilers
It happens all the time. You see a nice blurb or trailer and you instantly want to know what it’s all about. However, as much as well love them, they are all spoilers’ intent on spoiling the movie altogether. Luckily, there’s now a Chrome plugin you can use to strip the spoilers.
Use secret codes
Did you know that you can use secret codes to access harder to find content or other sub-genres? All you have to do is place a secret code at the end of an URL and you’re all set! You can read more on the codes and how to use them here.
Customize your subtitles
If you also find the Netflix subtitles hard to read, you can customize the settings to something that’s a little more comfortable for you. Go to Account the subtitle appearance and change the font size and colour to your preference.
Clear the Clutter
With time, your “continue watching” queue gets swamped with half watched movies and episodes. Probably you slept right in the middle of House of Cards and a few other movies and haven’t cleared out the queue. However, since you know that you’re eventually going to finish watching the movies, you need to clear your queue so that its cleaner and much easier to navigate.
Sort the Movies Chronologically by Year
While it’s quite easy to sort out the movies that you want to watch by category, an easier hack would be by doing so chronologically by year.
Try A Game of Flix Roulette, It Might Just Be Your Lucky Day
Tired of skimming through 4,000 titles then eventually repeating the Game of Thrones for the thousandth time? Well, finding something to watch shouldn’t be that hard. In fact, it should be painless. And thanks to the Flix Roulette you can now spend less time skimming and more time watching.
Download Movies and TV Shows to Watch When You’re Offline
One of the major challenges of streaming your movies and TV shows is that you have to deal with the dreaded bad connection. Fortunately, you can get ahead of this by downloading the movies and TV shows you want to watch later.
Check the Deck Every Now and Then
Titles on Netflix come and go with each month and new ones crop up in the subsequent month. The only way to know what’s hot and new is by checking the deck constantly.
Ban the Freeloaders
If you gave your password to your social circle, then it’s quite possible that they might be messing up with your algorithm and screwing your schedule. To prevent them from piggybacking any longer than they have, why not ban them? All you have to do is go to my account and sign out of all devices.
Optimize your HD or Ultra HD
Picture this. You’ve been paying for a plan that includes HD or Ultra HD but haven’t been using it. Isn’t that embarrassing? Well, you could fall victim too especially if you don’t care much about checking your Netflix setting.