Home Misc New bingo campaign utilises the power of technology to educate players

New bingo campaign utilises the power of technology to educate players

by Dave Elliott

The power of technology is well documented nowadays and almost everyone utilises it some form … even bingo firms apparently!

A great new campaign from Costa Bingo has set about deciphering the intricate world of bingo calls for every bingo player and they’ve used a fantastic series of short videos to do it.

For a number of years now, the video has been considered a king of online content with numerous users choosing it as their preferred method to digest information. The rise of viral hits has made videos both fun and educational and this is exactly what the bingo campaign has sought to capitalise on.

All of the videos which the brand has published – 90 in total – were filmed by everyday people like you and me to give them an authentic and home-grown look which really appeals to today’s audiences. Each video is fun and original and helps you to see a visual representation of the bingo call it is depicting – perfect for if you want to brush up on your bingo lingo.

All 90 videos (one for each of the 90 bingo calls used in the game) are now available to view online and you can also watch one example – for number 78 – below:


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